An Army of Volunteers
Every year, men and women from around Central Texas give up a week (sometimes two weeks!) of their summer & their lives to spend time serving the pre-teens and teens at Camp Koinonia. These men and women are an invaluable resource and the heart of the work done at Camp K. We simply could not have Camp without them as they are the ones who run all the activities, prepare the meals, teach the classes and mentor the campers.
Camp is always in need of valuable staff members to fill several key positions, but in order to keep camper costs down, we have limited availability for these positions. That being said, if you are interested in helping, please contact us to find out where you can serve.
A Note on Staff Member’s kids – As an incentive to our staff members and in order to recruit the top-quality people, we make a partial discount available to children of staff members who may need help sending them to camp. Though scholarship funds are limited, we do want to offer this as a resource.